
Access Bars

2012年6月16日 星期六







每當你在覺醒狀態中 – 不管是法喜,喜悅 , 平靜 , 平安 , 一體感 , 感覺無人存在 , 或感受到每一個人 , 感到與大自然連結 , 與世界連結 – 你都與臨在接上了。
你可能不稱它為覺醒狀態, 但它就是。現在每當你如此強烈的感到臨在時,你都可以藉由意圖與祈禱將它傳給他人。

在合一靜心中,臨在自動的被傳導到參加者身上, 所以參加者回家後可以用意圖把臨在傳遞給家人 – 如果參加者有感受到臨在的話。
傳遞臨在的重點是自己要先感受到。 感受那份連結,然後請你的神聖臨在流向對方。
如何知道自己感受到臨在?你只會感受到正面的情感 – 寂靜,平靜,愛,一體,喜悅等等。
如果你感到痛苦還有很多情緒,那你不是在臨在中,而是在過程中,那就不要傳遞 。要等到你的痛苦轉化成喜悅或法喜時,你才去傳遞臨在。

In English:

The energy is becoming more and more powerful, and people are going into awakened states through Deeksha and the Oneness Meditations (Oms).
Bhagavan has now created an intent: if you can feel the Presence, you can now transfer it.
Whenever you are in an Awakened state – you are in bliss, joy, calm, peace, Oneness, feel no-one is there, feel everyone, feel connected to nature, to the world – you are connected to the Presence.
You may not have called this an Awakened state, but this is what it is. Any time you feel the Presence in this powerful way, you can now transfer it to others.
You do this by intent and prayer.
You ask your Divine Presence to flow into the other.
The other person may be in the room, or not...intent works no matter where the recipient is, and whether the recipient is aware of it or not.
Only Deeksha Givers can give Deeksha, but anyone who is in an Awakened state / connected to the Presence can now transfer that Presence.
This is not giving Deeksha, it is transferring the Presence.
Therefore non-Deeksha givers can transfer the Presence. If they can feel it, they can transfer it. So if you feel the Presence and transfer it to someone else, and they can then feel the Presence, they can then transfer it to others.
When someone receives the Presence, this will accelerate their Awakening.
During a Oneness Meditation, the Presence will automatically be transferred to recipients.
You can go home after an OM, feel the Presence and then transfer it to your family. But only when you are feeling it.
You cannot transfer the Presence via hands-on Deeksha – only by Intent.
The key to transferring the Presence is to FEEL IT FIRST. Feel the connection, then ask your Divine Presence to flow into the other.
How do you know if you’re in the Presence? You will only feel positive emotions – silence, calm, love, Oneness, joy, and so on.
If you are in pain, going through other emotions, then you are in process. You will not transfer this – instead you will wait until the process is completed and you have transformed the pain into joy or bliss. Then you can transfer the Presence.
